Minute with the Mayor


The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has cast a harsh light on the current state of political discourse in our country. It serves as a poignant reminder that the foundation of our republic rests on the principle of nonviolence. At every level of government, from local councils to the highest offices, it is clear that we reaffirm our commitment to resolving differences peacefully.

Our republic was founded on the ideals of democracy, liberty, and the rule of law. These principles are safeguarded through respectful debate.

Violence has no place in this framework. When political disagreements escalate to physical confrontations or threats, they undermine the very essence of our democratic institutions.

The attempted assassination of a former president is not just an attack on an individual but an assault on the democratic process that guides our republic. It highlights the urgent need for leaders and citizens alike to champion nonviolence. Political leaders must set the standard by promoting dialogue and compromise, even in the face of deep ideological divides. Their rhetoric and actions should reflect a commitment to peaceful conflict resolution, demonstrating that violence is never an acceptable means of achieving political ends.

At the same time, it is crucial for all levels of government to actively

foster environments where differences can be discussed openly and safely. This involves ensuring that security measures protect public officials without stifling free speech and that legal frameworks are in place to address threats and violence effectively. Transparency, accountability, and fairness in governmental processes are essential to maintaining public trust and preventing the escalation of tensions.

As citizens, we each have a responsibility to uphold the principles of our republic. This means engaging in political activities with civility, rejecting violence in all forms, and encouraging others to do the same. It

requires us to listen to opposing viewpoints with empathy and to advocate for our beliefs through peaceful means.

In the wake of the assassination attempt on former President Trump, let us seize this moment to recommit to the values that sustain our republic. By steadfastly rejecting violence and embracing the power of nonviolent action, we can preserve the integrity of our republic.

Be safe out there, finish strong.         


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