Kyle Goff addresses concerns over Animal Shelter staffing

Some of the funding sources had “dried up” for the positions


In recent weeks, the White County Animal Shelter has been at the forefront of discussions within the community, with concerns raised about various aspects of its operation, especially after the sale of the county’s landfill where the animal shelter shared property. District 7 Commissioner Kyle Goff, who also serves as chairman of the commission, shed light on one particular issue that has captured the attention of many: the funding of part-time positions at the shelter.

 Goff highlighted the longstanding arrangement of having two part-time positions at the Animal Shelter, with funding sources that have now dried up.

“One of the part-time positions at the shelter was not funded, as the grant from the Humane Society that supported it since 2016 has expired,” Goff explained. “Similarly, the second part-time position, which has been sustained by a private donor since 2020, is no longer able to provide financial support.”

 Addressing the budgetary decisions surrounding the shelter, Goff revealed, “In the original 2024-2025 budget, the county allocated funds to support one of the two part-time positions, as per the shelter’s request. However, concerns have been raised by volunteers, shelter advocates, and the Humane Society regarding the implications of not funding the second position. These concerns revolve around health and safety considerations, as well as the need to alleviate the workload on existing staff and volunteers.”

 The situation took an interesting turn when it came to light that a substantial donation of $70,020.66 had been bequeathed to the county for the benefit of the Animal Shelter by the late Susan Cooper. These funds, which had remained untouched and were held in a restricted fund, became a point of focus for Steering Committee A.

“On July 1st, the Steering Committee A unanimously agreed to propose to the budget committee the utilization of a portion of the funds from Ms. Cooper’s donation to support the employment of a part-time staff member at the shelter,” Goff disclosed. “Following this, the Budget Committee also voted unanimously to pass the Budget Amendment to the full County Commission for further consideration.”

 On July 15, the County Commission approved the decision to use the funds from the donation to employ a second part-time person at the shelter, which will remain at its current location until a new, suitable place can be found for under a lease agreement with the new owners of the landfill.      


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